Our Club
The club's committee is working hard to push the club forwards. This is no easy challenge and it does require our newly adopted core values to support an ongoing transition to build success and push professionalism across the club.
Our Core Values: Accountability, Integrity, Loyalty, Respect
Player Priorities 2023/24:
Fitness, Commitment, Merchandise, Social Events, and the management of expectations as we rebuild in season ahead.
May - personal fitness challenges via social media and tools such as Strava and workouts at the gym
June 6th (18:45) - summer touch commences. Weekly sessions until pre-season starts. All abilities, and genders are welcome and we promote 'bring a friend' to play in these friendly sunshine sessions.
July - 7's tournaments are being entered with Summer Social and hopefully, Lewes 7's. Separate training arranged for those wanting to attend during the off-season.
S&C (Strength & Conditioning) the Head Coach will partner with senior players to support ongoing development of their S&C. Plans will be created for each player to be the best they can.
Community Fun Runs will be supported by Club members. Hailsham Active Run and the Herstmonceux relays will be supported again this year.
Player Commitment
Commitment is a two-way street. The Club can only continue to provide activities and support for its members if it gets the commitment and support of players.
It is expected that players will respond to match and training invitations as early as they can to help the Captain gather a team.
It is expected that players who have committed to a game will turn-up and will be on time.
A new club merchandise store is being created now. By the end of May, a good selection of merchandise will be available for purchase by players, coaches, friends & family through the website once the store goes live. As well as the club badge, you will be able to add names / initials to the kit.
Each player will receive a free training top when they complete an annual registration (Registration date tbc).
Social Events
The social events and atmosphere this season has been un-rivaled. We will continue this throughout the off-season with buffets, sporting events and more... a well as throughout the season of 2023/2024.
We recognise this season has been challenging due to the large number of players who have retired and a handful who have felt unable to stick with the club through these challenges. Rebuilding numbers is an ongoing process, which will be achieved by building player commitment and enjoyment of the game.
Non-League weeks will be targeted for friendly fixtures for developing players, back-to-fitness players, and any casual players at the Club.
Personal player development will be supported by the Head Coach. This involves players having a say in where you want to develop and play on the field. This is a great opportunity to develop the mental and physical ability of players to be successful grassroots rugby players.
Club Priorities
New clubhouse rules to clarify the expectation of all members using the Club.
A Code of Conduct will be built and adhered to by all to thrive in a competitive environment.
Core Values of behaviour on and off the field, supported by fines for those who transgress.
Match day attire - white shirts and Club Tie (Available from the bar).
We welcome any volunteers, or suggestions on how you can support the club. Please make a committee member aware or raise your hand at the AGM, don't wait to be asked.
An investment of £5,000 is being made into the club's facilities and to provide you with a refurbished social area for next season.
A courtesy-cordon will be introduced along the length of the pitch to prevent the mix of players and spectators. Subs will remain together on the sponsor side of the pitch near the coaching staff.
We will maximise our communication efforts across multiple channels until one stands out as the best for our players.
Players are asked to join our WhatsApp for general chat, organisational purposes, and more.
Players are asked to join our Facebook group for availability polls, announcements, and events.
We will continue to use the Spond app and players are asked to seek help if they need to be added.
We will continue to use Messenger until it is replaced with the other media.
- Transition will take time, but will ensure fluidity in our communication when the season arrives.
Social media/website
Player headshots will be taken from 15th April onwards.
Professional social media posts will be created with player headshots for team-sheets.
Player profiles will be added to the website.
We are very excited to say Ron Francis will be returning to the role of Team Manager. We thank Ron for his continued support, his love for the club and how he will help push our core values and suport team selection.